Day One, Session 1, Task 3.

This next task is all about looking good and staying safe.

Keeping yourself and your learners out of harm's way is very important, so we'd like you to familiarise yourselves with the security settings of this blog. 

To do so, you need to:

1. Click on Settings 
2. Now click on Basics. Can you:
  • Make sure your blog is not visible to the public?
  • Make other people administrators?
  • Add "readers" to your blog?

3. Now click on Posts and Comments. 

Can you: 
  • Make sure that only members of the blog comment?
  • Make sure that you have to "allow" comments before they are published?

4. When you're confident you know how to do this, have a go at making your blog look beautiful by choosing one of the many backgrounds they offer. To do this, simply go to Template 

Browse the selection and when you find the one you want, click on Apply to Blog, and Bob's your uncle :-)